Source code for litestar.connection.base

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, TypeVar, cast

from litestar._parsers import parse_cookie_string, parse_query_string
from litestar.datastructures.headers import Headers
from litestar.datastructures.multi_dicts import MultiDict
from litestar.datastructures.state import State
from litestar.datastructures.url import URL, Address, make_absolute_url
from litestar.exceptions import ImproperlyConfiguredException
from litestar.types.empty import Empty
from litestar.utils.empty import value_or_default
from litestar.utils.scope.state import ScopeState

    from typing import NoReturn

    from import Litestar
    from litestar.types import DataContainerType, EmptyType
    from litestar.types.asgi_types import Message, Receive, Scope, Send
    from litestar.types.protocols import Logger

__all__ = ("ASGIConnection", "empty_receive", "empty_send")

UserT = TypeVar("UserT")
AuthT = TypeVar("AuthT")
HandlerT = TypeVar("HandlerT")
StateT = TypeVar("StateT", bound=State)

async def empty_receive() -> NoReturn:  # pragma: no cover
    """Raise a ``RuntimeError``.

    Serves as a placeholder ``send`` function.

    raise RuntimeError()

async def empty_send(_: Message) -> NoReturn:  # pragma: no cover
    """Raise a ``RuntimeError``.

    Serves as a placeholder ``send`` function.

        _: An ASGI message

    raise RuntimeError()

class ASGIConnection(Generic[HandlerT, UserT, AuthT, StateT]):
    """The base ASGI connection container."""

    __slots__ = (

    scope: Scope
    """The ASGI scope attached to the connection."""
    receive: Receive
    """The ASGI receive function."""
    send: Send
    """The ASGI send function."""

    def __init__(self, scope: Scope, receive: Receive = empty_receive, send: Send = empty_send) -> None:
        """Initialize ``ASGIConnection``.

            scope: The ASGI connection scope.
            receive: The ASGI receive function.
            send: The ASGI send function.
        self.scope = scope
        self.receive = receive
        self.send = send
        self._connection_state = ScopeState.from_scope(scope)
        self._base_url: URL | EmptyType = Empty
        self._url: URL | EmptyType = Empty
        self._parsed_query: tuple[tuple[str, str], ...] | EmptyType = Empty
        self._cookies: dict[str, str] | EmptyType = Empty
        self._server_extensions = scope.get("extensions") or {}  # extensions may be None

    def app(self) -> Litestar:
        """Return the ``app`` for this connection.

            The :class:`Litestar <>` application instance
        return self.scope["app"]

    def route_handler(self) -> HandlerT:
        """Return the ``route_handler`` for this connection.

            The target route handler instance.
        return cast("HandlerT", self.scope["route_handler"])

    def state(self) -> StateT:
        """Return the ``State`` of this connection.

            A State instance constructed from the scope["state"] value.
        return cast("StateT", State(self.scope.get("state")))

    def url(self) -> URL:
        """Return the URL of this connection's ``Scope``.

            A URL instance constructed from the request's scope.
        if self._url is Empty:
            if (url := self._connection_state.url) is not Empty:
                self._url = url
                self._connection_state.url = self._url = URL.from_scope(self.scope)

        return self._url

    def base_url(self) -> URL:
        """Return the base URL of this connection's ``Scope``.

            A URL instance constructed from the request's scope, representing only the base part
            (host + domain + prefix) of the request.
        if self._base_url is Empty:
            if (base_url := self._connection_state.base_url) is not Empty:
                self._base_url = base_url
                scope = cast(
                        "path": "/",
                        "query_string": b"",
                        "root_path": self.scope.get("app_root_path") or self.scope.get("root_path", ""),
                self._connection_state.base_url = self._base_url = URL.from_scope(scope)
        return self._base_url

    def headers(self) -> Headers:
        """Return the headers of this connection's ``Scope``.

            A Headers instance with the request's scope["headers"] value.
        return Headers.from_scope(self.scope)

    def query_params(self) -> MultiDict[Any]:
        """Return the query parameters of this connection's ``Scope``.

            A normalized dict of query parameters. Multiple values for the same key are returned as a list.
        if self._parsed_query is Empty:
            if (parsed_query := self._connection_state.parsed_query) is not Empty:
                self._parsed_query = parsed_query
                self._connection_state.parsed_query = self._parsed_query = parse_query_string(
                    self.scope.get("query_string", b"")
        return MultiDict(self._parsed_query)

    def path_params(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Return the ``path_params`` of this connection's ``Scope``.

            A string keyed dictionary of path parameter values.
        return self.scope["path_params"]

    def cookies(self) -> dict[str, str]:
        """Return the ``cookies`` of this connection's ``Scope``.

            Returns any cookies stored in the header as a parsed dictionary.
        if self._cookies is Empty:
            if (cookies := self._connection_state.cookies) is not Empty:
                self._cookies = cookies
                self._connection_state.cookies = self._cookies = (
                    parse_cookie_string(cookie_header) if (cookie_header := self.headers.get("cookie")) else {}
        return self._cookies

    def client(self) -> Address | None:
        """Return the ``client`` data of this connection's ``Scope``.

            A two tuple of the host name and port number.
        client = self.scope.get("client")
        return Address(*client) if client else None

    def auth(self) -> AuthT:
        """Return the ``auth`` data of this connection's ``Scope``.

            ImproperlyConfiguredException: If ``auth`` is not set in scope via an ``AuthMiddleware``, raises an exception

            A type correlating to the generic variable Auth.
        if "auth" not in self.scope:
            raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("'auth' is not defined in scope, install an AuthMiddleware to set it")

        return cast("AuthT", self.scope["auth"])

    def user(self) -> UserT:
        """Return the ``user`` data of this connection's ``Scope``.

            ImproperlyConfiguredException: If ``user`` is not set in scope via an ``AuthMiddleware``, raises an exception

            A type correlating to the generic variable User.
        if "user" not in self.scope:
            raise ImproperlyConfiguredException("'user' is not defined in scope, install an AuthMiddleware to set it")

        return cast("UserT", self.scope["user"])

    def session(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Return the session for this connection if a session was previously set in the ``Scope``

            A dictionary representing the session value - if existing.

            ImproperlyConfiguredException: if session is not set in scope.
        if "session" not in self.scope:
            raise ImproperlyConfiguredException(
                "'session' is not defined in scope, install a SessionMiddleware to set it"

        return cast("dict[str, Any]", self.scope["session"])

    def logger(self) -> Logger:
        """Return the ``Logger`` instance for this connection.

            A ``Logger`` instance.

            ImproperlyConfiguredException: if ``log_config`` has not been passed to the Litestar constructor.

    def set_session(self, value: dict[str, Any] | DataContainerType | EmptyType) -> None:
        """Set the session in the connection's ``Scope``.

        If the :class:`SessionMiddleware <.middleware.session.base.SessionMiddleware>` is enabled, the session will be added
        to the response as a cookie header.

            value: Dictionary or pydantic model instance for the session data.

        self.scope["session"] = value

    def clear_session(self) -> None:
        """Remove the session from the connection's ``Scope``.

        If the :class:`Litestar SessionMiddleware <.middleware.session.base.SessionMiddleware>` is enabled, this will cause
        the session data to be cleared.

        self.scope["session"] = Empty
        self._connection_state.session_id = Empty

    def get_session_id(self) -> str | None:
        return value_or_default(value=self._connection_state.session_id, default=None)

    def url_for(self, name: str, **path_parameters: Any) -> str:
        """Return the url for a given route handler name.

            name: The ``name`` of the request route handler.
            **path_parameters: Values for path parameters in the route

            NoRouteMatchFoundException: If route with ``name`` does not exist, path parameters are missing or have a
                wrong type.

            A string representing the absolute url of the route handler.
        litestar_instance = self.scope["app"]
        url_path = litestar_instance.route_reverse(name, **path_parameters)

        return make_absolute_url(url_path, self.base_url)

    def url_for_static_asset(self, name: str, file_path: str) -> str:
        """Receives a static files handler name, an asset file path and returns resolved absolute url to the asset.

            name: A static handler unique name.
            file_path: a string containing path to an asset.

            NoRouteMatchFoundException: If static files handler with ``name`` does not exist.

            A string representing absolute url to the asset.
        litestar_instance = self.scope["app"]
        url_path = litestar_instance.url_for_static_asset(name, file_path)

        return make_absolute_url(url_path, self.base_url)