
litestar_vite.loader.render_hmr_client(context: Mapping[str, Any], /) markupsafe.Markup[source]

Render the HMR client.


context – The template context.


The HMR client.

litestar_vite.loader.render_asset_tag(context: Mapping[str, Any], /, path: str | list[str], scripts_attrs: dict[str, str] | None = None) markupsafe.Markup[source]

Render an asset tag.

  • context – The template context.

  • path – The path to the asset.

  • scripts_attrs – The attributes for the script tag.


The asset tag.

class litestar_vite.loader.ViteAssetLoader[source]

Bases: object

Vite manifest loader.

Please see: https://vitejs.dev/guide/backend-integration.html

__init__(config: ViteConfig) None[source]
classmethod initialize_loader(config: ViteConfig) ViteAssetLoader[source]

Singleton manifest loader.

render_hmr_client() Markup[source]

Generate the script tag for the Vite WS client for HMR.

render_asset_tag(path: str | list[str], scripts_attrs: dict[str, str] | None = None) Markup[source]

Generate all assets include tags for the file in argument.

parse_manifest() None[source]

Parse the Vite manifest file.

The manifest file is a JSON file that maps source files to their corresponding output files. Example manifest file structure:

    "main.js": {
        "file": "assets/main.4889e940.js",
        "src": "main.js",
        "isEntry": true,
        "dynamicImports": ["views/foo.js"],
        "css": ["assets/main.b82dbe22.css"],
        "assets": ["assets/asset.0ab0f9cd.png"]
    "views/foo.js": {
        "file": "assets/foo.869aea0d.js",
        "src": "views/foo.js",
        "isDynamicEntry": true,
        "imports": ["_shared.83069a53.js"]
    "_shared.83069a53.js": {
        "file": "assets/shared.83069a53.js"

The manifest is parsed and stored in memory for asset resolution during template rendering.

generate_ws_client_tags() str[source]

Generate the script tag for the Vite WS client for HMR.

Only used when hot module reloading is enabled, in production this method returns an empty string.


The script tag or an empty string.

Return type:


generate_react_hmr_tags() str[source]

Generate the script tag for the Vite WS client for HMR.

Only used when hot module reloading is enabled, in production this method returns an empty string.


The script tag or an empty string.

Return type:


generate_asset_tags(path: str | list[str], scripts_attrs: dict[str, str] | None = None) str[source]

Generate all assets include tags for the file in argument.


All tags to import this asset in your HTML page.

Return type:
