- litestar_vite.loader.render_hmr_client(context: Mapping[str, Any], /) markupsafe.Markup [source]¶
Render the HMR client.
- Parameters:
context – The template context.
- Returns:
The HMR client.
- litestar_vite.loader.render_asset_tag(context: Mapping[str, Any], /, path: str | list[str], scripts_attrs: dict[str, str] | None = None) markupsafe.Markup [source]¶
Render an asset tag.
- Parameters:
context – The template context.
path – The path to the asset.
scripts_attrs – The attributes for the script tag.
- Returns:
The asset tag.
- class litestar_vite.loader.ViteAssetLoader[source]¶
Vite manifest loader.
Please see: https://vitejs.dev/guide/backend-integration.html
- __init__(config: ViteConfig) None [source]¶
- classmethod initialize_loader(config: ViteConfig) ViteAssetLoader [source]¶
Singleton manifest loader.
- render_asset_tag(path: str | list[str], scripts_attrs: dict[str, str] | None = None) Markup [source]¶
Generate all assets include tags for the file in argument.
- parse_manifest() None [source]¶
Parse the Vite manifest file.
The manifest file is a JSON file that maps source files to their corresponding output files. Example manifest file structure:
{ "main.js": { "file": "assets/main.4889e940.js", "src": "main.js", "isEntry": true, "dynamicImports": ["views/foo.js"], "css": ["assets/main.b82dbe22.css"], "assets": ["assets/asset.0ab0f9cd.png"] }, "views/foo.js": { "file": "assets/foo.869aea0d.js", "src": "views/foo.js", "isDynamicEntry": true, "imports": ["_shared.83069a53.js"] }, "_shared.83069a53.js": { "file": "assets/shared.83069a53.js" } }
The manifest is parsed and stored in memory for asset resolution during template rendering.
- generate_ws_client_tags() str [source]¶
Generate the script tag for the Vite WS client for HMR.
Only used when hot module reloading is enabled, in production this method returns an empty string.
- Returns:
The script tag or an empty string.
- Return type: