Inertia Request

class litestar_vite.inertia.request.InertiaDetails[source]

Bases: object

InertiaDetails holds all the values sent by Inertia client in headers and provide convenient properties.

__init__(request: Request[UserT, AuthT, StateT]) None[source]

Initialize InertiaDetails

__bool__() bool[source]

Check if request is sent by an Inertia client.

property route_component: str | None

Partial Data Reload.

property partial_component: str | None

Partial Data Reload.

property partial_data: str | None

Partial Data Reload.

property referer: str | None

Partial Data Reload.

property is_partial_render: bool

Is Partial Data Reload.

property partial_keys: list[str]

Is Partial Data Reload.

class litestar_vite.inertia.request.InertiaRequest[source]

Bases: Request[UserT, AuthT, StateT]

Inertia Request class to work with Inertia client.

__init__(scope: Scope, receive: Receive = <function empty_receive>, send: Send = <function empty_send>) None[source]

Initialize InertiaRequest

property is_inertia: bool

True if the request contained inertia headers.

property inertia_enabled: bool

True if the route handler contains an inertia enabled configuration.

property is_partial_render: bool

True if the route handler contains an inertia enabled configuration.

property partial_keys: set[str]

True if the route handler contains an inertia enabled configuration.

property accept: Accept

Parse the request’s ‘Accept’ header, returning an Accept instance.


An Accept instance, representing the list of acceptable media types.

property app: Litestar

Return the app for this connection.


The Litestar application instance

property auth: AuthT

Return the auth data of this connection’s Scope.


ImproperlyConfiguredException – If auth is not set in scope via an AuthMiddleware, raises an exception


A type correlating to the generic variable Auth.

property base_url: URL

Return the base URL of this connection’s Scope.


A URL instance constructed from the request’s scope, representing only the base part (host + domain + prefix) of the request.

async body() bytes

Return the body of the request.


A byte-string representing the body of the request.

clear_session() None

Remove the session from the connection’s Scope.

If the Litestar SessionMiddleware is enabled, this will cause the session data to be cleared.



property client: Address | None

Return the client data of this connection’s Scope.


A two tuple of the host name and port number.

property content_type: tuple[str, dict[str, str]]

Parse the request’s ‘Content-Type’ header, returning the header value and any options as a dictionary.


A tuple with the parsed value and a dictionary containing any options send in it.

property cookies: dict[str, str]

Return the cookies of this connection’s Scope.


Returns any cookies stored in the header as a parsed dictionary.

async form() FormMultiDict

Retrieve form data from the request. If the request is either a ‘multipart/form-data’ or an ‘application/x-www-form- urlencoded’, return a FormMultiDict instance populated with the values sent in the request, otherwise, an empty instance.


A FormMultiDict instance

property headers: Headers

Return the headers of this connection’s Scope.


A Headers instance with the request’s scope[“headers”] value.

async json() Any

Retrieve the json request body from the request.


An arbitrary value

property logger: Logger

Return the Logger instance for this connection.


A Logger instance.


ImproperlyConfiguredException – if log_config has not been passed to the Litestar constructor.

property method: Method

Return the request method.


The request Method

async msgpack() Any

Retrieve the MessagePack request body from the request.


An arbitrary value

property path_params: dict[str, Any]

Return the path_params of this connection’s Scope.


A string keyed dictionary of path parameter values.

property query_params: MultiDict[Any]

Return the query parameters of this connection’s Scope.


A normalized dict of query parameters. Multiple values for the same key are returned as a list.

receive: Receive

The ASGI receive function.

property route_handler: HandlerT

Return the route_handler for this connection.


The target route handler instance.

scope: HTTPScope

The ASGI scope attached to the connection.

send: Send

The ASGI send function.

async send_push_promise(path: str, raise_if_unavailable: bool = False) None

Send a push promise.

This method requires the http.response.push extension to be sent from the ASGI server.

  • path – Path to send the promise to.

  • raise_if_unavailable – Raise an exception if server push is not supported by the server



property session: dict[str, Any]

Return the session for this connection if a session was previously set in the Scope


A dictionary representing the session value - if existing.


ImproperlyConfiguredException – if session is not set in scope.

set_session(value: dict[str, Any] | DataContainerType | EmptyType) None

Set the session in the connection’s Scope.

If the SessionMiddleware is enabled, the session will be added to the response as a cookie header.


value – Dictionary or pydantic model instance for the session data.



property state: StateT

Return the State of this connection.


A State instance constructed from the scope[“state”] value.

async stream() AsyncGenerator[bytes, None]

Return an async generator that streams chunks of bytes.


An async generator.


RuntimeError – if the stream is already consumed

property url: URL

Return the URL of this connection’s Scope.


A URL instance constructed from the request’s scope.

url_for(name: str, **path_parameters: Any) str

Return the url for a given route handler name.

  • name – The name of the request route handler.

  • **path_parameters – Values for path parameters in the route


NoRouteMatchFoundException – If route with name does not exist, path parameters are missing or have a wrong type.


A string representing the absolute url of the route handler.

url_for_static_asset(name: str, file_path: str) str

Receives a static files handler name, an asset file path and returns resolved absolute url to the asset.

  • name – A static handler unique name.

  • file_path – a string containing path to an asset.


NoRouteMatchFoundException – If static files handler with name does not exist.


A string representing absolute url to the asset.

property user: UserT

Return the user data of this connection’s Scope.


ImproperlyConfiguredException – If user is not set in scope via an AuthMiddleware, raises an exception


A type correlating to the generic variable User.